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Cica Geneus® ESBL Genotype Detection KIT2


Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase:ESBL is an enzyme hydolyzes wide β-lactam
Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes that mediate resistance to
penicillins, extended-spectrum third generation cephalosporins and monobactams.
This ESBLs-producing bacteria has important clinical and therapeutic implications. 
Therefore, the spread of these pathogens puts in peril our antibiotic options.
This kit can detect nine representative ESBLs genotypes. This kit was collaborativery
deveroped by Dr. Ikeda, Dr.Kayama, Dr. Ohge and Dr. Sugai at Hiroshima University.


● This kit can detect representative 9 genotypes for group of ESBLs.
(TEM, SHV, CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2, CTX-M-8, and CTX-M-9 and CTX-M-25, CTX-M chimera, GES (ESBL type) ).
● Required time is approximately 3 hours and suitable for use in common thermal cycler.
● You can use the same PCR condition as our CicaGeneus® AmpC and Carbapenemase genotype detection kit2.

Work Flow

Isolate ESBL producing bacteria
DNA Extraction
Multiplex PCR
Agarose gel electrophoresis

Target genes and its amplicon size

  Target gene Amplicon size(bp)
Reaction mixture.1 bla CTX-M-25 group 522
bla CTX-M chimera 391
bla CTX-M-1 group 268
bla CTX-M-8 group 189
Reaction mixture.2 bla SHV 655
bla CTX-M-2 group
bla CTX-M-9 group 350
bla GES (ESBL type) 228
bla TEM 132

Example of the electrophoretic pattern

M: 100 bp DNA Ladder,  P: Positive control( Reagent E),
1: CTX-M-25,  2: CTX-M-64(chimera), 3: CTX-M-1,
4: CTX-M-8,  5: SHV,  6: CTX-M-2,  7: CTX-M-9,
8: GES-1(ESBL type),  9: TEM,  10: GES-2(Carbapenemase type),
N: Negative control(TE Buffer)


Cica Geneus ESBL Genotype Detection KIT2

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