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- Reference Materials
- High Purity Reagents
- Volumetric Analysis
- Lab Tools
- Other Analytical Reagents
- PACKTEST (Simplified Water Analysis)
- Reagent & Solvent for Gas Chromatography
- Water_Analysis
- Environmental Allergen Analysis
- Solvents and Reagents for Liquid Chromatography
- HPLC Column
- Silica gel for Column Chromatography
- Organics
- Inorganics
Life Science
- Cellculture
Genetic engineering
- Cica Geneus® Staph POT KIT
- Cica Geneus® Pseudo POT KIT
- Cica Geneus® Acineto POT KIT
- Cica Geneus® E. coli POT KIT
- Cica Geneus® C.diff POT KIT
- Cica Geneus Pathogenesis Gene Detection PCR Kit
- Cica Geneus® Carbapenemase Genotype Detection KIT2
- Cica Geneus® AmpC Genotype Detection KIT
- Cica Geneus® ESBL Genotype Detection KIT2
- Cica Geneus Purification Kit Series
- Cica Geneus Extraction Reagent Series
- phi29 DNA Polymerase set
- Agarose Kanto Series
- Protein research
- Biochemical reagents - Others
- Electronic Chemicals & Materials
- Diagnostics
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- Brochure List Inorganics
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- 関東化学メディア